domingo, 9 de junho de 2013

Tumblr of YukoUtena


My life since joining tumblr this is frighteningly accurate

My life since joining tumblr

this is frighteningly accurate


wannabeanimator: Hercules model sheets


Hercules model sheets

bloodblueinmyroom: Artist:  leo19th


Artist:  leo19th

thefingerfuckingfemalefury: ohmygil: Superman #19 Jesus...



Superman #19

Jesus fuck





leffetfeministe: Advertising is based on one thing: happiness....


Advertising is based on one thing: happiness. And do you know what happiness is? Happiness is the smell of a new car. It's freedom from fear. It's the billboard on the side of a road that screams with reassurance that whatever you're doing is okay. You are okay. -- Donald Draper, Mad Men

I've put together this collection of recent sexist advertisements from different companies. To be honest, it was difficult to pick the ones I wanted because there were so many of them. It was truly abhorrent. 

Donald Draper explains to us what advertising is. Its a stroking of the ego. Sexism and patriarchy are rampant within society (advertising also touches on things like race, body size, and social class but for the purposes of this post I am focusing on those two), and thus advertising capitalizes on that, makes money on it, and perpetuates it. We're surrounded by this kind of advertising. We can't escape it, we're trapped. 

So when shopping or flipping through a magazine, or even driving down the high way and reading billboards, let's all remember to put our critical thinking hats on and to identify and call out the sexism. Advertising is a significant contributor to the continued social injustices. But remember: those problems come to an end with us. If we stop responding to these advertisements the way the companies want us to, then some real reform can begin. 

victorious-and-such: keishaisbestpony: c2ndy2c1d: moch-y: iro...









this is actually disgusting.

Saw "THIS"?! They immediately dehumanized this woman and then further dehumanized her by stating they would rape her. Every one of these males. Rape was the first thing that came to mind. This is beyond disgusting.

Go on. Tell me rape culture isn't real. Tell me how "Everyone knows rape is wrong." 

this makes me SO FUCKING ANGRY



yeahhhhhhhh not okay…

disgusting little fucks

fucking no. its worse that people liked the responses too.

AND the second to last one looks like he's in the Army

thefaultinourchickennuggets: madsmikklsen: fuckyeahrichhall: madsmikklsen: i love how men mock...





i love how men mock women for being overemotional and then lose their shit over a team losing an over-glorified game of fetch 

Because all men like watching sports, obviously, right? You just did what you hate men doing, putting generalizations on a whole gender.

i know i did

irritating, isn't it?



amarantines: nina-in-technicolor: c2ndy2c1d: meehighmeelo: fy...









I made this comic solely to explain how the interview went, so please ignore how ugly it looks. This was easier than trying to just write it down for me.

I am a very emotional person especially when I'm nervous, so this event hit me quite hard.

More news soon.

Oh honey. Oh god. I'm so sorry.  Okay. This is not a school you want to associate with. These are bad people. They are not better than you. I don't care how prestigious they think or say they are. Going there would have been a waste of your time, because you are so much better than anything they could offer you and they do not have a fucking clue what they are talking about. Trust me. I struggled through a college full of people just like that, and got nothing out of it but wasted time and resentment. All they did was tell me I was phony and a failure for wanting to actually learn how to draw and paint, and that is all kinds of backwards. All that self-important grandiose bullshit about illustration and technical skill not being "art" is just hiding the fact that they can't paint or draw for shit. They live in an echo-chamber, and they only worship the absolute newest trends in the handful of areas of modern art they deem worthy, to the exclusion of all else. That is NOT art, that is elitism and egotism, pure and simple, and that sure as hell does not help the students. They are NOT better than you. Your beautiful artwork and expressiveness and illustrative style are powerful and important - everyone's is. Saying someone's work is "not art" and therefore not important is not a critique. It's an asshole thing to say, and offers absolutely nothing of importance or value for potential students.

Now, that isn't to say there is no value in modern and post modern and abstract expressionist etc. art - on the contrary. The more inclusive you can be in your influences, and the more you can look at and study, the better. (Branching out is always a healthy thing to do!) But if that's ALL a school has to offer, if an art school tries to tell you that technical skill and illustration are invalid or unimportant, if they try to tell you that Rembrandt and Van Gogh aren't worth looking at or studying because they are dead, if they dismiss artists they don't approve of as "kids who like to scribble," if they tell you that you don't have a place there unless you conform exactly to what they want, then you need to avoid that place like the plague, because they are not there to help you, they are not there to teach you,  they are there to find people who can make the school look even more self-important than it already is. 

Sorry for the rant. XD I'm still haven't quite gotten over how crappy my art college experience was. (For those interested, the crap school in question was Sacramento State University. After I left, I attended a handful of classes and workshops at the Academy of Art University in SF and Watts Atelier in Encinitas, CA ,which helped me SO much more, as the teachers were interested in actually helping students learn the skills that art schools are supposed to teach you. You know, painting and drawing and inking and sculpting and all that good stuff.) 

Uh, so yeah. >_> Basically look for schools with a good technical program that stresses life drawing, painting, drawing. Art is one of the few careers where people care about your portfolio more than where you got your degree (unless you're gearing up to work for a Pixar or Dreamworks or something, in which case it does help). So find a place that will help you be the best you can be, and don't worry about how prestigious or fancy they think they are. <3 

Echoing Julie's remarks here. I spent my college years at an institution like the one in the comic that valued ~soul expression~ and AbEx over developing technical skills. At the time, I thought it was all peaches, because I was (and still am) super into making and observing AbEx art. Fortunately, I was required to take classes in Photoshop and Illustrator— without those, I would not have gotten a job after college.

I graduated without having learned ANYTHING about drawing, about color theory, about perspective or line weight or form. At thirt*coughcough* I'm still drawing like a high school kid and trying to make up for the damage of those wasted years.
Fuck "real art", fuck "high art", fuck "low art". Learn, develop, grow, evolve, create.

I don't often reblog stuff, but this comic and the commentary are incredibly important.

A lot of people ask me about college, expressing fear and nerves about whether or not they're "good enough" or doing "the right art" to get in/do well. Fuck that, kids.

Find a school that will help you grow, no matter what art you do. Be open to criticism, yes, but if the school you're talking to talks down to you or says that what you're doing isn't ~*~*~*"REAL"~*~*~ art, tell 'em to fuck right off and walk the fuck outta there. That attitude is wrong. THEY are wrong.

You deserve to have an environment that nurtures your art and your skills and offers classes that will help you the very most that they can. Nothing will hurt you/your art more than cutting off the corners of your square peg to fit into a round hole.

/raises fist in solidarity

/extends middle finger at art elitist assholes

Wow what the actual fuck

i'm gonna stick my finger in my mouth just to puke all over them. 

I have a thing to add.

In college I had a friend who was an art/animation major (double major). One of her teachers was awesome, and encouraged her to work her own style.

Another one went "you draw ANIME-STYLE? That's not art, it's not marketable, it's not original, blah blah" stuff I'm sure everybody on this website has heard before.

First teacher is way more awesome than you're thinking, because when she went to him worried about her style (which is, indeed, a cross between Disney and anime), his response was "Forget him, there are people who say Picasso wasn't an artist, too."

She decided to listen to first teacher.

She now works for Pixar.


God this whole post with all the commentary is glorious and a lot of my art school followers need to see it.

This makes me think of art teachers I had in high school that pretty much did a good job at showcasing the difference between an excellent, fantastic art teacher and a horrendously bad one. The first one I had Mrs.McKee was SO encouraging of very student she had. There were people in the class who drew anime-style, Simpsons style, stick people, realistic, Disney, etc. And she encouraged every student and stressed that she wasn't looking for technical skills (though she did make us study body and form) but rather wanted to encourage us to make art and express ourselves. And while doing so, we learned colour theory, different painters and artists, painting, design, etc. No student in her class felt discouraged or bad for their art because she was more than thrilled with the diversity. I-who am quite shy with showcasing my art-LOVED that class with my soul because I felt encouraged and positive with my art and ideas. And I learned a heck of a lot in this class, and to this day I would still take if it meant I had her as my teacher. 

And then…the next art teacher I had-whose name I have since tried to forget- was the exact opposite. If you couldn't draw how he wanted or to what he considered good you were humiliated in class, laughed at, and then lectured on how what you were doing 'wasn't art'. Except for the two favourite students in the class, everyone hated that class and felt discouraged. You could quite see how miserable everyone was in that class, including me. I didn't want to draw or do anything art related, and just refused to share my ideas when they were always laughed at. And a lot of times students got hurt, and one of them stormed out of the class and cried from how toxic it was. No one learned anything in this class, because he was so focused on how everyone's art wasn't good he didn't bother to teach any principals or skills to improve it. (Also side fact: he couldn't do good art himself and actually had to be taught from the good students on how to do things. >__>) 

What I learned from those two experiences was how a pretentious teacher (or school) who looks down on what they don't consider 'real art' is not worth anyone's time. Because they are so focused on already seeing what they consider masterpieces that the teaching gets pushed aside. While a good teacher (school) sees the potential, ideas, and love the student has for art and encourages them and teaches them skills to improve and grow. 

"LIFE! life is like a lime. Mmm, tart and tangy sweet, ooooh...

"LIFE! life is like a lime. Mmm, tart and tangy sweet, ooooh so sublime. Quiet! Speechless, like a mime. BOLD and NOISY like a crime! Don't you dare waste my time! 'Cause life can STOP… On a dime."

littlechinesedoll: Go!Robins! The Bat and the Birds by Yolin


Go!Robins! The Bat and the Birds by Yolin

May Gaia be with you, Diana. All of Themyscira, all of the...

May Gaia be with you, Diana. All of Themyscira, all of the world, depends on you.

miss-lol: notsosilentwallflower: busket: pardon me my good uh… sir. filed under: jokes I...





pardon me my good





filed under: jokes I never got as a child that makes me cry tears of laughter

when I saw this I literally couldn't close my mouth

thisisrapeculture: rsurvivorrally: It's not about rape, but I...



It's not about rape, but I feel the need to post it anyway. 

While it's not about rape per se, it's about male entitlement and the viewing of women as rewards/objects to be won, which plays a huge role in rape culture.


girlsbydaylight: vespa / Fukari


vespa / Fukari

coolman229: rendslaughterdevour: hello my baby hello my honey...



hello my baby
hello my honey
hello my ragtime gal

You also seem incapable of controlling your wardrobe.

neopuff: bruce wayne is so handsome jfc

wow so handomse

ugh yes handsome hand on his handsome face

mmm handsome



bruce wayne is so handsome jfc

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